Tuesday 28 August 2012

Olympic Acrostic Poems

We wrote acrostic poems about the Olympics. Then an independent judge chose their best four to publish on our blog- we hope you enjoy them.

On the ropes, getting hit hard
Legs are wobbling- out of strength.
Yelling crowds cheering me on.
Muscles tense, ready for action
Punching my way across the ring.
It's the end of the fight, nervously waiting
Champion I am! I scream out loud.
Steroids and drugs are a no no!

By Roan and Finn

On the blocks, ready to take off
Leaving others behind. Off we race
Yelling and cheering from in the crowd
Muscles like pistons- pumping hard
Pushing for position.
Incredibly fast zooming through the racetrack
Completing the race. FIRST
Shouting from the crowd. YES I'VE WON!

By Mary Jane and Chrystal

Obviously I'm a winner.
Lots of spectators observing the race.
Yelling and cheering, urging me on.
Metres away from the victory line.
Pounding the track on my quest for gold.
Imagine that medal that I will possess.
Cameras flashing as I breast the tape
Satisfaction is mine.!

By Railynnetta and Elisah

On the mat ready to go
Legs are shaking
Yelling crowds go quiet
Muscles ready to go.
Pounding across the way
It's now or never to win the game.
Cheering from the crowds, it's over now
Success is mine.

By Asa, Tayjuan and Rob


  1. Hi Mrs Grant and Room 3 learners,
    Just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed reading your Olympic Poems, you are very creative writers. Ka pai to mahi

  2. What great poems Room 3. You used some great WOW words. From Room 1

  3. Mrs Reddy - Room 529 August 2012 at 17:33

    I am amazed by the descriptive language in your poems.Keep up the great writing Room 3.
    Tino pai! Magaia!

  4. I am so impressed. Great poets in Room 3. Mrs.Jones

  5. Mrs Grant and Room 3 - what great poems you have written! We are impressed with the words you have used :) Mrs Anthony and Room 3

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Robert said, "Your poems must have been hard to write."
    Sophie said, "You described the different very well."
    Zoe said, "I felt like I was really there when I read your poems."
    Isabella said, "I think you used really good words in your poems."

  8. I like the poems guys.Well done.
